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通量和准确性是化合物管理的重点,因此我们设计了一系列基于 Freedom EVO® 和 Fluent® 工作站的紧凑型自动化解决方案。
Tab 01 / 化合物溶解
称重工作站向导软件有效地将Freedom EVO平台上的整个溶解过程自动化。
您的工作流程包括化合物的重悬或溶解吗?Fluent Mix 和 Pierce工作站提供可跟踪的管瓶特定体积移液功能,无需去除管瓶的盖子。360°混合确保化合物快速溶解,从而减少样品降解。
Freedom EVOware®样品跟踪系统使追踪样品比以往更容易。完整的程序安全包括样品跟踪和移液操作,具有简化LIMS整合的优势。只需登记您希望跟踪的样品,并从各种标准的基于板和样品的报告中进行选择,即可在整个应用中实现完整的程序安全。
Tab 02 / 化合物库的维护
美国的Dart NeuroScience表示:
阅读更多内容 in "板量处理速度的飞跃"
有些事情即使很乏味、很耗时也必须要做。在复制分析板方面,Fluent拥有96多通道臂和384通道臂移液头,是一个非常高效的设备。Fluent提供了令人难以置信的快速且高精度的移液,移液量低至0.25 µl,让您可以自由离开并利用这些时间做真正感兴趣的事情。
Tab 03 / 检测板的准备
JP Sulzberger哥伦比亚基因组中心的高通量筛选设备基地表示:
"该系统高度直观,而且事实证明其非常受欢迎。我们越来越发现,基地外的人开始使用HP D300来完成他们的项目。它提供了一种简单的方法来生成剂量-反应曲线,取消了连续稀释,是我们药物组合研究的理想选择。该仪器完全符合我们的要求,工作人员只需走到仪器前,就可以直接使用它进行小分子研究,只需很少的设置时间。总之我对HP D300非常满意。"
阅读更多内容 in "快速生成用于高通量筛选的剂量反应曲线"
有些事情即使很乏味、很耗时也必须要做。在复制分析板方面,Fluent拥有96多通道臂和384通道臂移液头,是一个非常高效的设备。Fluent提供了令人难以置信的快速且高精度的移液,移液量低至0.25 µl,让您可以自由离开并利用这些时间做真正感兴趣的事情。
阅读更多内容 in "加速药物发现"
Tab 04 / 参考资料
Since microplates became the storage and assay format of choice for drug discovery, there has always been a need to transfer samples from one plate format to another. This application note describes the automated reformatting of microplates, from 96 up to 1,563 wells.
This application note describes the easy automation of hit-picking and IC50 assay plate generation from tubes and microplates.
Dart NeuroScience specializes in the development of novel therapeutics targeting neurological disorders. In addition to performing multiple tasks on several Freedom EVO workstations, the company uses Tecan’s Fluent Laboratory Automation Solution to manage the throughput of assay plate generation.
The HP D300 Digital Dispenser has enabled Translational Drug Development in the USA to automate its workflows, increasing sample throughput and the number of cell line panels handled, as well as enhancing workflow efficiency.
The HP D300 Digital Dispenser is enabling researchers at the Columbia Genome Center’s High-Throughput Screening Facility to quickly and simply create dose-response curves for combinations of up to nine compounds, allowing rapid generation of EC 50 data for faster experimental progress.
GlaxoSmithKline’s quest for improved anti-malarial treatments has been revolutionized by the speed and reliability of the HP D300 Digital Dispenser. This innovative system has increased throughput for standard drug titrations and enabled combinations of candidate compounds to be tested much more easily.
Production of dose-response plates and cherry-picking are essential steps in early drug discovery to enable testing of many thousands of compounds. Researchers at Novartis are benefitting from the automated plate generation capabilities of two customized systems based on Freedom EVO 200 platforms, increasing sample throughput to over 10,000 compounds a day.
French pharmaceutical company Galderma specializes in the development of drugs for a variety of dermatological complaints, including acne, rosacea and psoriasis, and has chosen a customized Freedom EVO® 200 liquid handling workstation to manage its huge library of compounds used in high throughput screening.
Scientists at AstraZeneca UK, in partnership with Tecan, are developing a fully automated solubility screening platform, using a Freedom EVO 200 liquid handling workstation integrated with a tailor-made data capture system, a novel pH flow cell carrier and a small footprint HPLC system.