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Tab 01 / 总览
iPSC libraries offer a treasure trove of cellular resources, derived from diverse individuals and genetic backgrounds. These libraries hold the key to understanding human development, unravelling the mysteries of diseases, and paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in drug discovery, personalized and regenerative medicine.
生命科学研究的变化速度很快,经常超过实验室行业的产品开发。Tecan Labwerx提供的定制解决方案,以满足市场不断变化的需求。
自1996年以来,我们已经交付了超过1,000个项目--从简单的修改工作站到大规模的机器人集成。今天,Tecan Labwerx是一个完整的业务部门,拥有推动项目从设计和实施到用您在实验室中使用的相同应用对我们的解决方案进行路测所需的所有专业知识。
Tab 02 / 我们的方法
创建理想的解决方案取决于解决过程中的各个步骤。每个步骤可能需要不同的功能,必须无缝集成到工作流中。Tecan Labwerx帮助您绘制选项,其中一些选项如下所示。
转移 | 搅拌混匀 | |
条码扫描 | 加热/冷却 | |
开/关盖 | 离心 | |
穿刺 | 液面分层探测 | |
称量 |
转移 | 搅拌混匀 | |
条码扫描 | 加热/冷却 | |
贴/撕膜 | 离心 | |
盖/板盖 | 堆栈 | |
Tab 03 / 我们的能力
Tab 04 / Success Stories
The Ocular Tissue Engineering Laboratory at the Lions Eye Institute in Perth, Australia has established a world-class disease modeling and gene therapy screening pipeline. Here, skin cells collected from patients with inherited diseases can be reprogrammed to produce their own retinal tissues in the lab.
These patient-derived retinal tissues represent the ideal cellular model for pre-clinical evaluation of potential therapies for incurable retinal diseases.
A customized solution from Tecan – based on a Fluent® liquid handling automation platform and a Spark® Cyto live-cell imager – is now helping the Lions Eye institute scale their research and find new treatments for previously incurable diseases. With funding coming from charitable donations, Tecan’s technology is being used to help people who will lose their sight – improving the lives of patients not just in Western Australia but around the world.
Maintaining an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) master cell bank has become a crucial requirement for labs developing personalized cell therapies, regenerative medicines, and disease models or engaging in iPSC-based drug discovery and toxicity assessment. However, the path from taking a patient sample to having iPSC cells securely stored at cryogenic temperatures can be long and complex.
Tecan Labwerx™ has built a system to take over the cells after single-cell seeding and then autonomously expand, monitor, and prepare them for cryopreservation. Specialized modules for medium pre-warming allow the system to store large volumes of cell medium in refrigerated containers. Only the required quantities of medium are warmed to physiological temperature before the medium exchange.
Thanks to these adaptations and our powerful software, this system can run for weeks without human intervention – freeing up scientists to work on their next big idea.