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Tab 01 / 概述
Freedom EVO®自动化平台提供了简单高效的解决方案,使您能够更高效地工作并快速适应新的需求。
这是Freedom EVO系列产品中尺寸最大的工作站,拥有宽裕的工作台面,且支持通过选择不同的液体处理机械臂臂组合而实现各种配置。
Tab 02 / 机械臂
您的Freedom EVO可以随着您的应用需求变化而演变升级。 仪器设计了液体处理机械臂和移板机械臂,它们协同工作来自动执行且优化您的工作流程。通过 并行处理来提高速度,提高通量,确保了分析的可重复性并提高了资源的有效利用。
可选配四或八移液通道,每通道0.5至1,000 μl
的宽体积范围,非接触式喷液低至0.5 μl
每个通道都为各种液体类型和体积提供优化后的移液操作; 喷液可低至0.5 μl,CV低于6%。
结合Freedom EVOware的永久压力监控,可最大限度地提高过程安全性并保护您宝贵的样品和设备
液动 LiHa提供一次性或钢针。 快速清洗泵通过从后面快速清洗钢针来确保整个系统的清洁度,从而最大限度地减少样品残留。
通过拾取单列或一排一次性吸头,MCA 96头也可作为8或12通道移液器使用。 此功能可用于标准移液,控制或进行连续稀释。
MCA 96可以灵活地使用一次性枪头和钢针,可以在运行过程中自动更换。 使用可清洗的钢针对试剂,缓冲液或溶剂移液来降低运行成本。
Tab 03 / 配置选项
Tecan的Te-Shake可处理微孔板,深孔板和PCR试管,并可选配加热样品至80 c。
通过在一个工作站上并行使用多个Te Shake,可以实现工艺扩展。 凭借其动态振动范围,可配置的轨道/振幅和可变旋转方向,Te-Shake可轻松优化扩展混合协议。
展示更多对于很多分子生物学及ADMET应用,工作台上以及线下的温度控制至关重要。Tecan的MIO(监控孵育选件,室温+5 °C至 60 °C)可在振荡/不振荡的情况下,对工作台上的四或六个微孔板进行孵育,非常适合基于ELISA和细胞的检测应用。
Tab 04 / 软件
操作直接;直观的 Freedom EVOware® 用户界面在单套系统之中实现了加样、自动化和多设备排程的最佳组合。
Tab 05 / 文献
One platform, unlimited options, individual solutions
Fully automated liquid handling and robotics for life sciences and diagnostics
Flexible options to meet changing needs
For Freedom EVO® and Fluent®
Increased flexibility and greater convenience for Freedom EVO® workstations
The Air LiHa™ (Air displacement pipetting arm) uses air displacement technology to offer increased flexibility and greater convenience for a variety of applications requiring disposable tips. It can be mounted onto Freedom EVO 100, 150 or 200 platforms and freely combined with other arms, including the Liquid LiHa (Liquid displacement Liquid Handling Arm) and the MCA (MultiChannel Arm™) pipetting options, resulting in true parallel processing and increasing the productivity of the overall system.
True parallel processing for the Freedom EVO® liquid handling workstation
Tecan‘s 96-channel pipetting head (MCA 96) brings higher productivity to almost any automaliquid handling process, from drug discovery and compound management to biotechnology or genomics applications. The MultiChannel Arm 96 module can be mounted onto the Freedom EVO 100, 150 or 200 platforms.
Increased throughput and higher fexibility
The MultiChannel Arm™ 384 has been designed to offer higher productivity to automated liquid handling workfl ows in pharmaceutical and biotechnology research applications, increasing the effciency and speed of pipetting processes, as well as delivering an outstanding level of fl exibility.
For Freedom EVO® and Fluent®
State-of-the-art compact pipetting robot
The Freedom EVO 75 is a compact pipetting robot for low to medium throughput applications. The smallest of a family of four, it shares the same high modularity, liquid handling performance and reliability that you would usually expect from larger systems.
Monitoring of pipetting pressure profiles for enhanced process quality control
The Pressure Monitored Pipetting (PMP) option is a sophisticated online tool for real-time quality control of the liquid transfer process. Integration of the PMP tool in the Freedom EVO® series of liquid handling workstations significantly enhances the confidence level in your critical liquid transfers. Common sources of pipetting errors in laboratories, such as occluded tips or air aspiration, are instantly detected and flagged. Error recovery is achieved through the error handling user interface or through a pre-defined error recovery scheme.
Integrated process security technologies enhance reliability, manageability and efficiency of liquid transfers
Researchers at the Grenoble Institute of Technology are exploring the potential of biomimetic coatings to aid tissue regeneration. The group has developed an innovative, automated layer-by-layer production technique, allowing high throughput in vitro investigations into the ability of these biomimetic coatings to control stem cell differentiation.
Automation is helping the University Hospital Münster to streamline its molecular diagnostics workflows, increasing throughput for Sanger sequencing and NGS library preparation.
Personalized medicine is on the horizon, and cell membrane lipidomics may hold the key. Italian biotechnology company Lipinutragen is studying the relationship between the membrane status and dietary and health conditions. A crucial part of the process is the isolation of mature red blood cells, which can be performed more precisely and reproducibly using laboratory automation than by manual processing.
Automation offers many benefits for bioprocess development involving multiple microbial strains, yet few off-the-shelf platforms are capable of combining liquid handling tasks with microscale cultivation. The Microbial Bioprocess Lab at Forschungszentrum Jülich needed a customized platform to support its research, and turned to the Tecan Integration Group for a solution that has improved its microbial cultivation workflows.
Virology testing at a molecular level is crucial for a fast and sensitive initial diagnosis, but its role doesn’t stop there. Clinicians frequently request retrospective analysis, sometimes as a means of monitoring drug response or identifying drug resistance, and also increasingly to understand the underlying mechanisms that lead to, for example, organ rejection. The San Raffaele Hospital in Milan has developed an automated archiving system that allows safe and accurate collection of clinical samples, as well as easy access and retrieval when further testing is required.
High throughput bioprocess development is essential for optimizing run parameters prior to scale-up. University College London’s Advanced Centre for Biochemical Engineering is harnessing the possibilities afforded by automation, using custom-built scripts and programs to make its liquid handling platforms accessible to inexperienced users.
VolitionRx 正利用其专利的 Nucleosomics® 技术平台开发一系列癌症及其他疾病的检测方法,打造能够识别血液中游离的核小体标记物的非侵入式检测方法。高通量生物标记物验证工作是该公司工作流程之中至关重要的一环,为此他们选用了四台一模一样的Freedom EVO® 200工作站来处理自动化工作。
美国公司 PhenoLogix 正在为 CROs 和诊断实验室供应一种全新的SPE方法开发范式。这种方法结合使用了 Freedom EVO® SPE 工作站和 Phenomenex Strata™-X 96 孔 SPE 实验方法开发板,将开发时间从6-7天缩短至短短2小时内。
哥伦比亚波哥大医学实验室分子生物学部正使用 Freedom EVO® 150 液体处理平台自动化处理其核酸提取及实时荧光定量PCR实验方案,从而提高了灵活性,实现更高的样品通量。
欧洲化学生物学研究所 (Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie) 正在研究一系列基于适配子的创新应用,并为此选用两台 Freedom EVO® 平台来实现筛选和生产流程的可靠自动化。
雷根斯堡大学附属医院充分利用 Freedom EVO® 工作站的开放式架构优势,实现了常规诊断和生物学建库活动的无缝衔接。 Tecan Integration Group 与该医院的检验医学和输血医学研究所及诊断仪器供应商合作,开发出了一款定制解决方案,实现了生物学建库和离线二次检测的全自动样品制备。
随着工作负荷日益增加,德国慕尼黑 Leukemia 实验室采用五台 Freedom EVO® 工作站对其细胞遗传学实验方案进行自动化处理,打造出了同时适合初学者、标准用户及高效用户的处理方式,最大限度避免了人为误差。
对于西班牙能源厂商 Repsol 而言,延长无人值守运行的时间是开展工作的基本条件,为此他们选用了两台 Freedom EVO® 平台和 Tecan 的 350 µl 层叠式一次性液体加样针,以便开展替代能源研究工作。
维州传染病参考实验室的研究人员在采用 SciRobotics 新开发的 FluHema™ 模块,在 Freedom EVO® 工作站上实现了全自动的流感凝血球抑制检测。这是全球首家实现此目标的实验室,他们现在每天可运行并分析多达128块微孔板,同时具有更好的灵活性、结果可重复性和整体检测性能。
美国 Sanford Health BioBank 正使用 Freedom EVO® HSM 工作站和 ReliaPrep™ 大批量HT gDNA 分离系统,从血液之中可靠地自动化提取DNA,以进行基因组医学研究。
Freedom EVO® 150 为 SAC Consulting 中心诊断实验室提供了可重复性、可靠的牛类副结核病和其他细菌和病毒病原体 ELISA 筛查方法。相对于手动处理操作,该系统将实验室的通量提高了三倍,达到日均 1000 份样品。
Freedom EVO自动化工作站最新产品回顾
自动化称重计量校准,优化 Tecan Freedom EVO 自动化工作站移液精确度和准确度
* 仅供研究使用。
所有提到的 "Freedom EVO "文档、宣传材料和报价都是指Freedom EVO系列,包括Freedom EVO-2。