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您可以根据不同的应用方向从 四款现有配置 中的一款选择以解决您的研究难题。



Tab 01 / 概述

Four configurations for today. Ready for tomorrow.










  • 光吸收 –包括紫外/可见光光谱扫描
  • 荧光顶底读 – 包括荧光光谱扫描(3D)
  • 时间分辨荧光 (TRF) – 包括TRF光谱扫描
  • 荧光共振能量转移(FRET)
  • 时间分辨荧光共振能量转移(TR-FRET)
  • 荧光偏振 (FP)
  • 化学发光 – 辉光,闪光,多色发光和高灵敏发光光谱扫描
  • AlphaSreen®、AlphaLISA® 和 AlphaPlex®
  • 自动实时细胞明场成像—细胞计数和细胞汇合度
  • 光吸收立式比色杯
  • NanoQuant微量检测板
  • 温度控制(室温+3°C – 42°C)
  • 带加热和搅拌的自动液体加样器
  • CO2 & O2 气体控制模块蒸发保护
  • 挥发保护(湿度盒)
  • Te-Cool™ 制冷 ( 主动温度控制范围 18-42 ℃ )
  • 内置自动开盖
  • QC 工具 (IQ/OQ 服务)
  • 微量 DNA/RNA 定量
  • 核酸标记效率
  • 蛋白定量
  • 报告基因
  • HTRF® 均相时间分辨荧光
  • Transcreener®
  • DLR® 双报告基因
  • BRET – 包括 NanoBRET®
  • 细胞计数和活力
  • 汇合度评价
  • 细胞迁移和伤愈
  • Tecan Connect™ 移動應用監控儀器














Tab 02 / 技术





DNA spectrum of a 50 μg/ml sample after blank reduction; a 2 μl sample volume was measured in Tecan’s NanoQuant Plate.




The image shows OD linearity from 0 to 4 OD measured at 260 nm.


Spark卓越的波长精度和再现性,结合帝肯Nanoquant Plate™的独特设计,保证DNA检测下限为<1 ng/μl。


Spark的超快速的光谱记录使您能够在不存在蒸发风险的情况下对NanoQuant 中的所有16个样品进行全光谱波长扫描。而这个风险对于其他的基于单色仪的吸收光检测仪是一个已知的风险点。






NanoQuant 板可以同时检测多达16个样本,样本体积仅为2uL。可以使用传统的单道或八道移液器完成加样。每一个石英微点都是当作一个单独的透镜使用—这样保证了每个样本的光的通过性——并可以被快速、容易地清洁以最大的限度去降低交叉污染的风险。关上板盖就可以生成16个固定光路的0.5mm的石英微型比色皿,用于230、260和280 nm的测量。


除了吸光度测量外,NanoQuant板还可用于检测小体积样品中的荧光信号。只需用加入的用于荧光测试的2微升样品(例如Quant IT™Picogreen®dsDNA Assay)到NanoQuant板上,然后就可以使用Spark检测荧光信号。

NanoQuant 和 Spark的结合可以为核酸定量提供终极方案。



The detection limit of ssDNA is specified at less than 1 ng/µl using the NanoQuant Plate in combination with Spark’s High Speed Monochromators.

荧光 – Fusion 光路





Spark可以配备滤光片,Tecan最先进的QuadX Monochromators™双光路系统。不同于其它多功能酶标仪,这个设计可以允许客户独立的在滤光片和光栅之间进行选择。


Closing the gap between flexibility and sensitivity

Spark’s unique ability to combine the flexibility of monochromators with the sensitivity of filters is especially relevant for fluorescence emission or excitation scans. For example, using a filter on the excitation side gives higher instrument sensitivity, significantly improving peak quality.

The image shows a comparison of excitation and emission scans for standard fluorophore label (A), Alexa Fluor® 555 (B) and europium (C), revealing that using monochromators on both sides only detects ~25 % of the signal compared to using filters on the fixed wavelength side. This allows Spark’s Fusion Optics to dramatically increase the peak quality of the fluorescence spectra, even for very low signals.

Key features for fluorescence

  • Automated Z-focusing – optimal top and bottom focusing in every well, independent of plate type and format
  • Flexible bandwidth selection – from 5 to 50 nm for an optimal balance between specificity and sensitivity
  • Multiple dichroic mirrors – to maximize instrument sensitivity in combination with filters or monochromators
  • Optimal Read function – for bottom reading fluorescence, guaranteeing signal recording from all cells in the well, ideal for detection of GFP signals
  • Well scanning – high density well scanning generates a low resolution fluorescence image of the well
  • Spectra Viewer – software tool for improving excitation and emission settings of your assay
  • 3D scanning – accelerates assay development by providing simultaneous excitation and emission scans, helping to quickly and easily identify changes in the spectral properties of fluorescent probes or characterize unknown samples



Spark的发光模块可为 96孔、384孔和1,536孔的微光、闪烁和多色发光应用提供更高的灵敏度。前沿的发光光路设计,可以在保持灵敏度的同时记录光谱,让您获得出色的检测性能,同时又可为未来的发光应用未雨绸缪。



Optimized optics = optimal results



Emission spectra of Renilla (RR) and firefly (FF) luciferases recorded with the Spark



为了克服这一限制,Spark使用了一种基于19对短通和长通滤光片的独特滤波技术。只需点击几下,您就可以为多色发光测量或光谱扫描选择所需的波长和带宽。这使得Spark成为了一个面向未来的多重分析检测系统(如Chroma-Glo™) 、BRET应用(包括NanoBRET™)和发光检测器。

Alpha 酶标仪


Spark配备了独特的红外温度传感器,能够在测量过程中进行每一个孔的温度校正,克服了众所周知的Alpha实验的挑战。这都得力于Spark的Te Cool™模块,用于控制和提供稳定的温度,甚至低于环境温度,让您完全控制这个关键的实验影响因素。




在多功能酶标仪之中直接内置简单、高性价比的细胞成像功能。Spark细胞成像模块包括一个LED 明场发光装置、一个4x物镜、一个CMOS 130万像素摄像机和一个牢固的激光自动对焦系统,可提供堪比自动化显微镜的性能。对于希望进入这一激动人心的应用领域的用户,该系统可提供经济的解决方案。


Cell counting and viability

Cell counting and cell viability assessment of trypsinized cells is a daily task in any cell culture lab. Spark’s cell imaging module offers automated label-free cell counting and trypan blue-based cell viability analysis with an easy-to-use, disposable Cell Chip. Each chip has two sample chambers which can accommodate 10 μl of cell suspension, and four Cell Chips can be loaded onto the Cell Chip adapter, allowing eight samples to be analyzed in less than two minutes.

This user-friendly solution offers: 

  • High throughput, label-free cell counting, even at low cell concentrations
  • One-click live/dead analysis
  • High precision replicate processing for multiple samples
  • Fast and simple mean value calculations, greater accuracy and more precise data

Histogram view to enable adjustment of the analysis based on cell size for the study of sub-populations, eg. for cell swelling assessments

Live cell imaging and confluence

In general, you don’t know how many cells have adhered to the bottom of a microplate well, or even grown, over a certain period of time. Determination of cell confluence and estimation of cell numbers are therefore important for reproducible assay results and interpretation of experimental data.

With Spark’s cell imaging module, you can automatically assess the precise confluence – from 10-90 % –  giving you a new level of data quality in your assays.

Key applications:

  • Visual quality control of cells in microplates – an automated microscope in your reader
  • Label-free cell proliferation – detect cell growth in real time, without manual interference
  • Better assay consistency – always start your assay at the same confluence level, increasing the reproducibility of your cell-based assays
  • Signal normalization – use confluence data to normalize your cell-based signals to the cell mass in your well
  • Quality control – prove the optical quality of your microplate using confluence assessments
  • Wound healing studies– perform semi-automated cell migration and wound healing assays with comparable performance to a dedicated imaging device
  • Single cell cloning – combine automated image acquisition with semi-automated image analysis to verify monoclonality



作为细胞生物学家,您每天的生活就是忙于时刻保持细胞“快乐”。 通过自动化的工作流程,您可以腾出自己被夺走的时间,又能让细胞“快乐”生长。Spark将自动化培养箱、酶标仪及细胞成像功能整合在一起,为您自己及您所在的实验室提供了更多新的可能。








95%或更高水平的湿度调节是保持细胞活力和生长良好的另一个关键因素,在长期分析过程中,减少蒸发对于保持恒定浓度至关重要。Spark的 Humidity Cassette 是专门为SBS格式的孔板设计用来减少蒸发,且经济有效的解决方案。该专利工具包括一个填充装置,和配合我们独特的盖子升降机的专用盖子,这都可以用来提供被动的湿度控制。只需在填充装置中添加ddH2O,就可以保持湿润的空气。








Te-Cool – 真正的温度稳定性

整体温度控制 - 即便在低于环境温度的情况下

一致的温度是确保获得可靠结果的先决条件。Spark是首款内置冷却功能的多功能酶标仪,将整体温度控制在18到42 °C之间。




Exemplary luminescent kinase assay, where the activity of a glow luciferase was measured at different temperatures. The luminescent signal increased approximately 10 % per 1 °C increase in temperature.


温度对使用非哺乳动物生物的酶进行生化分析起着至关重要的作用。例如,生物发光分析系统的最佳温度为20到25°C之间。这些分析测试通常对温度敏感,即使温度升高1°C,发光输出也会增加10%。因此,无法在这个临界范围内稳定控制温度的光度计或多功能检测器将产生不可重现的数据。 Spark是唯一一个可以减轻温度对发光分析实验影响的检测器,为您的有价值的研究提供更高质量的数据




Te-Cool 模块的主动冷却的微孔板板室,有效降低等待时间。为您的实验提供37 °C到 22 °C快速稳定的温度环境。

Luminescent signal over time in a kinetic measurement. During a measurement time of 6 min, the luminescent signal increases due to heating of the liquid in the wells).

Prioritize your valuable resources

Researchers in every lab are constantly being pushed and pulled to make the next discovery on limited assets. Whether the constraint is driven by budget or time, we have all felt the burden.

Spark brings together a unique set of features intended to ease this strain and create new workflow possibilities for your laboratory, reducing hands-on time while producing high quality data for each and every sample.

Whether you are looking to design long-term experiments that work around your schedule, attempting to shrink sample volumes to reduce costs, or trying gain access to multiple instruments on a tight budget, Spark gives you control over your priorities. 

Eliminate data variability at the source

As scientists, we consider ourselves data-driven. Whether your research is centered in academia or industry, your next discovery will rely on your data. The ability to generate reliable, reproducible and high quality data should be a prerequisite for all laboratory instruments.

Every time you run an experiment you invariably introduce some level of error that impacts your results. Variability is hard to avoid, whether it is transferring your cell-based assay between instruments or manually assessing confluence. Whether the errors are human subjectivity, environmental factors or contamination, you are influencing your results. Completely eliminating this variability isn’t realistic, so you are forced to make concessions. But isn’t your data too important to compromise?

Spark is designed to address almost every detail of the most demanding assays and applications, delivering technologies that seamlessly work together to allow you to generate accurate and consistent data, each and every day.

Tab 03 / 软件

SparkControl™ 适应您的检测需要

SparkControl擅长处理常规或复杂工作流程。无论您需要定量某种核酸,还是要以特定的吸光值自动化加样, SparkControl 均能胜任,帮助您腾出更多的时间进行自己的研究。







Open Kinetic


Open Kinetic 允许您暂停和恢复动力学读书。在长期实验或具有长读取间隔的实验的情况下,此功能允许其他用户在动力学测量之间还能执行其他的应用。


Live Viewer


Live Viewer允许用户在最佳生理条件下实时监控细胞。







  • 一键式应用程序
  • 环境控制
  • 最佳的读取效果
  • 自动化Z-聚集
  • 高清孔扫描
  • 高分辨率 3D 扫描
  • 扩展的动态范围
  • 动力学检测保护
  • Magellan

高分辨率 3D 扫描

































Optimal Read fluorescence measurements - Diagram







SparkControl Magellan™


SparkControl Magellan是一个数据分析包,为您提供了多种检测模式的数据分析工具。

有了SparkControl Magellan,您可以体验到针对各种微孔板的应用的功能性,简便性以及安全性的性能提升。


Tecan Connect™ mobile app

Stay connected with your experiment wherever you are.

Use the Tecan Connect mobile app to monitor instrument status and alert you when user interactions are required.


Tab 04 / 配件






QC 工具 (IQ/OQ 服务)






  • 有效减少实验过程中的蒸发
  • 兼容现有孔板-不需要昂贵的特制板
  • 更好的数据- 结果一致性好
  • 减少边缘效应-长期动力学实验的理想选择
  • 稳定的环境条件- 更好的细胞活力

为细胞计数而生的Cell Chips™

Tecan创新的Cell Chips(细胞芯片)最大限度减少了样品制剂的准备工作,带来更大的应用灵活性,为悬浮细胞的计数开启了新机会。


  • 准确、可重复的细胞计数,具有更高灵敏度的灵活区域选择
  • 一键式分析细胞数量、大小分布和生存能力
  • 可导出图像以进行再次确认
  • 即使在低浓度下也可提供高精度的细胞计数
  • 一次性的Cell Chips可以自动重复处理多个样本

NanoQuant Plate™

NanoQuant Plate允许同时定量和分析低至 2 µl 至多16种核酸或蛋白质样品。NanoQuant Plate的独特设计,每份样品选择1/4,消除了校准需要,并可保证一致的性能。

Tab 05 / 文献

Application Guide


Application Notes

A lot of research is devoted to the search for new compounds with bioactivity against bacteria. However, it is important to distinguish between antimicrobial activity and antibiofilm activity. Antimicrobial activity affects bacterial growth, and reduced growth can simultaneously result in a decrease in biofilm production. Antibiofilm activity only affects the formation of biofilms. Therefore, the use of antimicrobial compounds at concentrations that are not bactericidal against all susceptible bacteria often leads to the emergence of resistant strains. In contrast, antibiofilm compounds do not affect bacterial growth, and so do not generate the same opportunities for resistance to develop. This Application Note describes the SIMBA – SIMultaneous detection of antiMicrobial and anti-Biofilm Activity – method using the Spark multimode reader to generate OD600 growth curves for S. Infantis in a 96-well microplate over a 20- hour period, allowing the parallel determination of antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities of selected cold water fungal extracts.

Environmental pathogens are microorganisms that inhabit our surroundings, living outside of a human host for a large portion of their lifecycle. Many of these micro-organisms cause severe pathogenic conditions in plants and are often the reason behind significant crop failures that in turn lead to economic damage. Environmental pathogens can also cause diseases in humans and, in some cases, lead to severe infections that are difficult to treat. There is therefore a need for accurate methods to study these pathogens, and a common way to do that is through turbidimetric measurements. The aim of the current study was to investigate how bacterial growth is affected by temperature, using two different environmental pathogens – the rod-shaped Gram-negative Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia amylovora.

Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) is a well-established detection technology for the investigation of protein-protein interactions in living cells. The latest-generation BRET assay, NanoBRET™, employs an extremely bright NanoLuc® luciferase and a long-wavelength acceptor fluorophore, resulting in a markedly improved detection sensitivity and a higher dynamic range. This application note describes the implementation of NanoBRET technology on the Spark multimode reader, using the NanoBRET Target Engagement Intracellular HDAC Assay.

The novel ValitaTITER assay provides a very accurate and cost-effective solution for the detection and quantification of IgG and Fc-containing proteins directly in cell culture supernatants In this application note, we show the optimal protocol for performing IgG/Fc-protein quantification using ValitaTITER assay kits with the Spark and the Infinite 200 PRO multimode plate readers.

Temperature is a major factor affecting the rate and dynamics of biochemical reactions. The Spark® multimode reader’s ingenious Te-Cool™ module permits measurements even below ambient temperature, thereby limiting the effects of temperature increases in the laboratory on the dynamics of assays. It helps to stabilize temperature-dependent assays and makes the results more reproducible and reliable.

The Optimal Read function for fluorescence bottom measurements is designed to enable uniform well illumination during excitation while and whole-well emission for 6-to 384-well plates. Performing multiple measurements on spatially separated spots arrayed across each well ensures that even heterogeneous cell layers can be effectively and reproducibly analyzed. This application note shows that the Optimal Read function produces the most reliable results for the analysis of adherent cell types, giving the highest well-to-well uniformity and best sensitivity for cell-based applications.

Cell counting, viability analysis and determination of size distribution are routinely performed by researchers across multiple disciplines, from standard cell passaging for downstream experiments to using insect cells infected with baculovirus to produce recombinant proteins, or determining the differentiation capacity of stem cells. Tecan’s Spark multimode reader has an integrated, bright field cell imaging module. This patent-pending system enables label-free cell counting, size distribution determination and trypan blue-based cell viability analysis with an easy-to-use, disposable Cell Chip™. In this study, the analysis of cell concentration, cell viability and size distribution for the determination of the optimal protein production rate in recombinant Sf21 cell cultures is presented.

HTRF is a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET)-based assay system from Perkin Elmer cisbio, and is popular for the analysis of various molecular interactions and binding studies. HTRF assays place high sensitivity demands on multimode readers. The Spark offers a number of features to meet these demands and to ensure optimal assay performance, including Tecan’s unique Fusion Optics which combine the sensitivity of filters and the flexibility of monochromators (MCRs) in one instrument. In addition to entirely filter- or MCR-based measurements, a combination of the two can be used simultaneously within one measurement. Automated Z-position optimization and an integrated dichroic mirror that is perfectly suited to HTRF measurements further increase the Spark’s outstanding sensitivity. This application note describes the validation of the Spark reader, equipped with standard fluorescence optics, for HTRF measurements.

This application note describes the successful implementation of AlphaScreen on the Spark multimode reader, as well as the performance of the instrument with regards to measurement sensitivity, uniformity and typical read times.

This application note describes the implementation of the AlphaScreen technology on the Spark multimode reader and the detection of tyrosine kinase activity using the AlphaScreen P-Tyr-100 Assay Kit.

This application note describes the implementation of the AlphaLISA technology on the Spark multimode reader and its use for the detection of human immunoglobulin G (IgG) using the AlphaLISA IgG Assay Kit.

Tecan’s Spark multimode microplate reader with integrated cell imaging simplifies cell culture, featuring quality checks and signal normalization to cel lconfluence, thereby boosting automation of cell-based studies.

Keep control of crucial experimental conditions with the first air conditioning system for a multimode reader – enabling stable measurement chamber temperature down to 18°C.

Assaying cells in an appropriate window of time after a compound-­mediated cytotoxic event can be extremely challenging. This note describes the automation for kinetic monitoring of cytotoxicity and viability using three Promega assays for viability, cytotoxicity and apoptosis assessment with the Spark multimode reader.

Cell migration is a central process in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms, with tissue formation during embryonic development, wound healing and immune responses all requiring the orchestrated movement and assembly of cells.

Tecan’s Spark multimode microplate reader was used for the real-time analysis of human stem cell proliferation and differentiation, using established assays for cell viability, proliferation and apoptosis assessment in a reliable and convenient manner.

Tecan’s Spark multimode microplate reader was used to identify metabolic changes during the differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells and to assess and quantify cell viability, cytotoxicity and apoptosis, using several well-established and reliable cell-based assays developed by PromoCell.

For many cell biology applications – such as the identification and separation of high expression clones or knock-down candidates, and small-scale antibody or protein production – it is important to ensure that cell lines originates from a single cell, i.e. they are monoclonal. This can be a major bottleneck, especially for academic laboratories, as dedicated automated microscopy systems are both very expensive and complex to operate, meaning verification of monoclonality is often performed by manual microscopy.

Plate based titer quantification with PAIA titer assay and Tecan Spark® multimode reader.

Homogeneous Time-Resolved Fluorescence (HTRF), a time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay system developed by Cisbio Bioassays, part of Revvity’s portfolio, is a highly reliable assay technology for studying molecular interactions. This application note summarizes the performance of the Spark reader with enhanced fluorescence optics for HTRF assays. All available optics configurations of the Spark’s Fusion Optics system meet the requirements for HTRF certification and are HTRF-compatible. Unless otherwise stated, the data presented was acquired using filter-based optics, as recommended for high performance HTRF measurements.

Technical Notes

Fast and reliable nucleic acid quantification and purity checks are important daily routine applications for many laboratories, driven by the widespread use of next generation sequencing and other high throughput nucleic acid analysis techniques. Many methods require rapid, accurate analysis of small sample volumes to keep pace with downstream processes.This technical note shows the optimized Spark measurement settings, as well as comparative results, for the commonly used fluorescence-based DNA quantification assays evaluated in this study.

This technical note describes a method to perform UV[1]based protein quantification using the Spark multimode reader and the low volume NanoQuant Plate with the one-click SparkControl application. It shows comparative data for UV absorbance-based protein quantification in microplates and the gold standard for dye-based methods, the Pierce™ BCA assay. The study results can be used as a guideline to help scientists choose the right method for their specific application.

Evaporation has a huge impact on the performance of both biochemical and cell-based assays, changing reagent, component and metabolite concentrations to alter reaction kinetics and cell physiology. It is therefore crucial to keep the consistency throughout the whole plate to allow comparison of data between wells during life sciences experiments. This technical note highlights the benefits of using the Tecan’s Humidity Cassette in combination with the Spark. The Humidity Cassette can minimize the impact of edge effects in microplates under certain conditions. It provides better uniformity and delivers more reliable data for long-term studies.

Spark’s fluorescence module is available with a choice of filters, monochromators or Fusion Optics – a novel combination of both monochromators and filters. The Fusion Optics module combines the flexibility of monochromators with the sensitivity of filters in a single device, and even within individual measurements. In addition to this enormous flexibility, users can choose either a standard or an enhanced fluorescence module for their Spark multimode reader. The standard fluorescence module is tailored to basic applications, with an exceptionally good performance in the green wavelength range. The enhanced optics module is designed for higher throughput applications in 384- and 1,536-well plates, and offers better performance in the red and blue wavelength range, as well as for high throughput screening (HTS) assays, including TR-FRET and FP.This technical note describes the differences in the sensitivity-to-speed ratio of the standard and enhanced modules in 96- and 384-well plates for measurements using fluorescein (green) and Alexa Fluor® 555 (red).

Monitoring growth of prokaryotic cells and yeast is an important tool in life sciences, as well as in the food industry. This technical note demonstrates the Spark reader’s suitability for the generation of growth curves in the commonly used 24- and 96-well plate formats for three different, well-established bacterial strains, Escherichia coli, Listeria innocua and Staphylococcus capitis. It describes the established methods to generate OD 600 growth curves of all three bacterial strains in 24- and 96-well plates over a period of 8 hours. The influence of important instrument settings, such as shaking, are considered and discussed.

This technical note outlines the use of the Spark reader in combination with the ValitaTITER assay for the quantification of IgG. It offers a comparison of the use of the instrument’s standard and enhanced fluorescence optics, and discusses the optimization of flash number to produce high quality, reproducible data while minimizing read times.

This technical note outlines the use of the Spark reader in combination with the ValitaTITER assay for the quantification of IgG. It offers a comparison of the use of the instrument’s standard and enhanced fluorescence optics, and discusses the optimization of flash number to produce high quality, reproducible data while minimizing read times.

Spark-Stack is a compact, versatile and field-upgradeable microplate stacker for the Spark® multimode reader. It offers walkaway automation and enhances the productivity in the lab by helping to automate typical workflow steps – including plate loading, unloading and restacking of 6-1536-well microplates. Spark-Stack can be equipped with dark covers to protect light-sensitive assays inside the plate magazines, such as Alpha technology-based assays and fluorophore-transfected cells.

The one-click Live Viewer software application turns the Spark microplate reader into a microscope. It enables easy and straightforward visual quality checks of cells in microplate wells or in Tecan's proprietary Cell Chip™, allowing researchers to automatically acquire and instantly view images of their cell samples immediately before the measurement is started.

The Spark reader is equipped with Tecan's unique Fusion Optics, which combine the benefits of filters and MCRs in a single multimode reader. The Spark can be equipped with filters, Quad4 Monochromators or a combination of both using the ingenious Spark Fusion Optics.

The new Spark multimode microplate reader is equipped with patent-pending High Speed Monochromators (HSM) enabling highly accurate, reproducible and ultra-fast absorbance measurements. This unique optical system offers an enhanced measurement range from 200 to 1,000 nm, ensuring optimal performance across the full range, particularly for absorbance measurements in the deep UV range, such as A260/A230 nucleic acid purity checks. The Spark reader is also suitable for measurements of low volume samples in both absorbance and fluorescence modes using the patented NanoQuant plate.

With the Spark‘s luminescence module, users can perform high sensitivity flash and glow luminescence measurements. For optimized signal detection of very high and low signals within one experiment, optical density (OD) filters help to attenuate strong signals in the range from OD1 to OD3, thereby avoiding ‘over’ readings. This enables users to detect luminescence signals with a dynamic range of more than 9 orders of magnitude.Multicolor luminescence assays with up to five different luciferases, as well as luminescence spectral scanning (eg. of luminescent proteins) can be easily set - using an innovative filter-based approach, users can select any wavelength between 398 nm and 653 nm, with a step size of 15 nm and a 25 nm bandwidth.

This technical note describes the optimized test set-ups, instrument settings and statistical equations that were used to determine the maximum instrument sensitivity of the Spark multimode reader for flash and glow luminescence.

This technical note describes the optimized test set-ups, instrument settings and statistical equations that were used to determine the best possible detection limit for standard fluorophore label in fluorescence intensity top reading mode (FI top).

This technical note describes the optimized test set-ups, instrument settings and statistical equations that were used to determine the best possible detection limit of europium in time-resolved fluorescence intensity reading.

This technical note describes the optimized test set-ups, instrument settings and statistical equations that were used to determine the best possible detection limit for standard fluorophore label in FI bottom mode.

In this technical note, we demonstrate the superior performance of the Spark reader compared to two other multimode readers from different providers. The detection limit for the far red fluorescent dye Alexa Fluor 647 – which has a fluorescence spectrum comparable to Cy5 – was determined, operating each instrument in MCR mode.

This technical note describes the implementation of the DLR Assay System on Tecan’s next generation high-end multimode reader platform Spark. It can perform high sensitivity flash and glow luminescence measurements with a dynamic range of more than nine orders of magnitude. In addition, its enhanced luminescence module can measure multicolor assays with up to five different luciferases, as well as offering spectral scanning of luminescent substances.

This Technical Note describes the functions and benefits of the Spark multimode microplate reader and cell imaging module, as well as the SparkControl software and its dedicated Cell Counting and Cell Viability Application.

This technical note compares the performance of the Spark’s cell counting module with (i) manual cell counting using C-Chip™ disposable hemocytometers and a standard microscope, (ii) a comparably priced, imaging-based cell counting device (Device A) and (iii) a high performance cell imager with counting capabilities (Device B).

The Transcreener® ADP2 TR-FRET Red Assay is a competitive immunoassay for ADP with a far-red, time-resolved fluorescence-resonance-energy-transfer (TR-FRET) read-out. It is intended for the detection adenosine diphosphate (ADP) production by any kinase or ATPase, and has been developed specifically for high-throughput screening applications. The Spark was tested for its capacity to measure the Transcreener ADP2 TR-FRET Red Assay using the four different combinations of the Fusion Optics.

The Transcreener ADP2 FP assay is a competitive FP assay based on the detection of ADP and is therefore compatible with any enzyme class that produces ADP, including protein, lipid, and carbohydrate kinases, ATPases, DNA helicases, carboxylases and glutamine synthetase. This technical note describes the instrument settings for the Transcreener ADP2 FP assay on Tecan’s Spark multimode microplate reader.

The Host-Microbiota Interactions Lab at the Wellcome Sanger Institute uses high throughput anaerobic microbiology, genomic and metagenomic approaches to explore the relationship between humans and their microbiome – the community of microorganisms that live on and in us. HMIL has developed techniques to culture strict anaerobic gut bacteria at scale and built an extensive culture collection for phenotypic profiling. To phenotypically screen this culture collection, HMIL uses a Spark multimode reader equipped with an integrated stacker module – the Spark-Stack™ – for automated and high throughput plate processing, which is housed in a Whitley A135 HEPA Anaerobic Workstation. This allows the generation of bacterial growth curves cultured in multiple microplates under stringent anaerobic conditions, i.e. at 0 % O2 using a dedicated and pre-optimized gas mix (80 % N2 , 10 % CO2 and 10 % H2 ). Here, we describe accurate profiling of the growth kinetics of strict anaerobic gut bacteria.


Tecan’s Spark multimode microplate reader with integrated cell imaging simplifies cell culture, featuring quality checks and signal normalization to cell confluence, thereby boosting automation of cell-based studies.

Keep control of crucial experimental conditions with the first air conditioning system for a multimode reader – enabling stable measurement chamber temperature down to 18°C.

Cell-based assays are very popular in life sciences research, as they represent an in vitro system which offers results comparable to in vivo systems. However, this improved biological relevance is counterbalanced by the complexity of working with a living organism. Cell-based assays therefore require special precautions and care when planning and conducting experiments


Spark 多功能微孔板检测平台,可为几乎所有药物开发和前沿生命科学研究提供量身定制的解决方案。研究人员可根据当前需求在此平台上自由配置功能模块,并可通过升级以获取未来所需的其它技术和特点。

Spark-Stack™ plate stacker for walkaway automation of Tecan Spark® readers Enhance the productivity of your lab with this compact, reliable and field-upgradeable plate stacker. Spark-Stack takes care of typical process steps, such as loading, unloading and re-stacking of non-lidded 6- to 1,536-well plates, and provides a throughput of up to 50 plates per run.

Tab 06 / 网络研讨会视频









了解自己的细胞分析工作流程中的细胞活性和细胞毒性检测如何实现简化和自动化 。本网络研讨会焦点为,使用Promega 细胞健康检测和Tecan Spark 多模酶标仪评估细胞毒性、活性细胞和死细胞情况,包括多天的细胞动力学(或实时)分析。


应用科学家Katrin Flatscher博士和Tecan检测市场经理Michael Fejtl博士将介绍Spark®多模酶标仪成像功能在检测细胞迁移方面的应用。


讨论组成员Rüdiger Arnold博士、Katrin Flatscher博士和主持人 Michael Fejtl的这次长谈,将重点关注如何采用PromoCell开发的细胞检测方法及Tecan Spark酶标仪进行的人干细胞分化实时分析,以实现对细胞活性、增殖或死细胞情况快速、方便、灵敏、可重复地评估和定量。

与实验中的热战斗- 面对温度波动造成的扭曲结果

Promega的Gediminas Vidugiris博士和Tecan的Katrin Flatscher博士讨论了许多生化分析的温度敏感性以及实验室中的温度波动如何扭曲测量结果。他们讨论了如何在整个实验工作流程中使用Spark中的Te-Cool™主动冷却功能实现稳定的温度条件。根据基于细胞的生物发光和生物荧光分析的实验数据,通过评估细胞活力、代谢、死亡和信号传导,证明了主动温度控制的好处。




通过“Spectra Viewer”优化您的检测读取

Spark Control内的一种软件工具可帮助您优化所用荧光团的激发和发射设置。


Spark细胞染色模块采用易用的一次性Cell Chip™芯片。实现自动化、无需标记的细胞计数和台盼蓝染色法细胞活性分析。


Spark Control 内的 “动力学调节”软件功能支持自动化设置操作,例如,在指定的对照孔收到某一信号时,启动另一检测模式。


Spark高速单色仪的创新设计,让您可以在短短5秒内获得200-1000 nm的吸收光谱,且最小增量不过1 nm。




SparkControl把Spark变成了一台显微镜。通过一键式实时浏览应用程序, 即可用4x放大率查看和捕获Cell Chip 或微量滴定板上指定位置的图像。在开始检测前,即可再查看一下您的反应体系。


通过Spark reader,对人胆囊癌细胞进行30多小时的Radius™ 96孔细胞迁移检测(5%CO2,37°C,保湿卡盒),弥补了这一空白。








Spark 仪器规格及技术参数

