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Tab 01 / 概述
Fluent Gx 合规软件 进一步扩展Fluent的功能。Fluent Gx合规软件提供了先进的过程安全控制,支持临床、GMP和QC实验室的合规要求。
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使用FluentControl™ 合规软件,实现互补设备的无缝整合,提高批次通量,享受真正的无人值守操作。
使用云储存的Introspect™ 软件,全面了解您的实验室自动化系统的使用时间和运行情况,显示仪器正常运行时间、耗材消耗和运行成功的实时数据。
在"A flexible lab for the future"中阅读更多内容
FluentControl™ 软件简化了包含极具挑战性的应用程序。
在 "Faster food testing"中阅读更多内容
Fluent 具有卓越的液体处理能力。
Fluent FCA™ 灵活 8 通道臂高度灵活,提供气体置换或液体置换两种移液技术选择。
Fluent 独特的台面免校特性助力您快速上手并快速运行。
Fluent 新一代液位探测技术,高灵敏性,可探测微量体积,且液体残留极少。
灵活8 通道机械臂配置,具有16个独立移液通道,提高速度。
Novo Nordisk 生物分析研究部反馈:
在"Flexibility for speed"中阅读更多内容
Fluent Gx 实验室自动化工作站提供特定的工具来满足受监管实验室的需求。
Fraunhofer IME. 研究所表示:
在 'Confidence in drug discovery'中阅读更多内容
开放式架构的FluentControl™ 软件易于使用,甚至包括极具挑战性的实验应用。
* 图片显示了Alpaqua® Magnum FLX® 磁珠模块(Alpaqua Engineering LLC公司) 和 BioShake® ELM系列振荡器 (Q Instruments公司 )
灵活8 通道机械臂抓手可在工作区域内执行简单的微孔板移动,将移液顺序连接,无人值守时间。
在"Redesigning the drug safety workflow"中阅读更多内容
Tab 02 / 系统模块
Ambry Genetics表示:
在"Taking a Fluent Approach to screening"中阅读更多内容
Ambry Genetics表示:
在"Taking a Fluent Approach to genetic screening"中阅读更多内容
在 "Building functionality into the antibody supply chain"中阅读更多内容
Tab 03 / 配置选项
在 "Redesigning the drug safety workflow"中阅读更多内容
Fluent工作站的Frida Reader 核酸检测模块为研究人员提供了在不丢失样本的情况下定量检测核酸的方法。该模块与Fluent™工作站气动灵活机械臂结合使用,基于紫外光吸收原理,通过检测悬滴从而对样本进行定量检测和纯度评估,避免核酸纯化(NAP)后微量或珍贵样品的损失。Frida Reader 核酸检测模块适用于珍贵或低体积样品,且待检的悬滴样品还可用于下一步实验流程,如均一化处理。这有助于用户避免因样本不足或样本受污染而导致质量不佳的结果或无法进行下游实验,从而节省时间并降低成本。
您可以使用Fluent ID™,在不到30秒的时间内加载并读取96个样本。
Fluent Carousel可选配1个条形码阅读器,用于识别交付载玻片上的标签。
关于Fluent的设备和用户保护解决方案,请联系当地销售代表或从Tecan Labwerx了解更多信息。
在 "Keeping an eye on stem cells"中阅读更多内容
* 展出产品属于美国Alpaqua Engineering LLC公司
Fluent和FluentControl已能够支持大量第三方分离设备,如离心机*和正压分离设备。关于替代设备,请联系您当地的销售代表或了解更多有关 Tecan Labwerx的信息。
* 德国Andreas Hettich有限公司展出的产品
Tab 04 / 自动化控制软件
Fluent 和 Fluent Gx自动化工作站是功能强大的平台,而FluentControl™ 自动化控制软件通过配置的专用触摸屏交互界面,简化日常操作。
FluentControl™ 自动化控制软件旨在使科学家能够构建、优化和保持自己的检测实验,而无需计算机编程专业知识。通过将日常工作流程的交互与新检测的配置相分离,帝肯为这两者研发了理想的工具。
Fluent Gx 合规软件 进一步扩展Fluent的功能。Fluent Gx合规软件提供了先进的过程安全控制,支持临床、GMP和QC实验室的合规要求。
在 "A flexible lab for the future"中阅读更多内容
[FluentControl ] 使用起来非常快速和直观;新的操作员发现它非常容易学习。更多信息见“食品快速检测”
在 "Faster food testing"中阅读更多内容
Ncardia 表示:
在 "Redesigning the drug safety workflow"中阅读更多内容
使用Zero-G定位功能,你可以简单地手动将机械臂滑动到所需的位置,然后点击 "转移",FluentControl软件就会知道它的精确位置。
在您休息或设计下一步实验时,通过智能手机端小程序Tecan Connect便可监控仪器运行状况。Connect是一款基于云计算的实验室自动化监测应用程序,可用于所有Fluent系列和Freedom EVO®系列自动化工作站。
Fluent Gx合规自动化控制软件提供先进的功能来简化监管流程,帮助实验室以最少的人工输入来证明合规性。
FluentControl软件的电子记录功能通过提供实验数据安全性,如FDA 21 CFR Part 11规定要求的实验数据如实验脚本、方法、载架和实验器皿定义参数、液体类型和系统配置的受保护副本,帮助实验室满足严格的数据安全监管标准。
阅读更多内容 在 "A revolution in milk sample analysis"阅读更多
FluentControl Scheduler软件简化了复杂工作流程设计,使您的实验室流程的效率和灵活性得到有效提高。
通过Tecan Connect软件的远程监控,释放更多时间,并助您轻松实现:追溯实验流程的进展和在需要用户互动时接收自动通知。
FluentControl Scheduler软件记录了每个样品或检测板的每个处理步骤的准确时间,有助于简化GMP记录的保存和符合法规要求。
FluentControl Scheduler帮助我们显著提高了细胞色素P450检测的通量。以前基于脚本编程,我们完成12块板的检测需要6.5小时;现在,通过Scheduler软件,我们只需4小时就可以完成相同数量孔板的检测" " (FluentControl Schedulerr 软件的测试点 ).
Tab 05 / 应用
The Fraunhofer IME表示:
在 "Confidence in drug discovery"中阅读更多内容
在 "What is normal? Understanding the vaginal microbiome"中阅读更多内容
Genea Biocells 表示:
在 "Stem cell research offers muscular dystrophy hope" 中阅读更多内容
在 "A revolution in milk sample analysis"中阅读更多内容
Tab 06 / 文献
Histone acetylation and deacetylation play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are a group of enzymes that remove acetyl groups from ε-N-acetyl lysine amino acids on histones, allowing them to wrap DNA more tightly.This condenses the DNA structure, preventing transcription. Conversely, acetylation neutralizes the positive charges on the histones by changing amines into amides, decreasing their ability to bind DNA.This decreased binding allows chromatin expansion, permitting genetic transcription to take place. 18 HDAC enzymes are currently known, which are either zinc-dependent or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-dependent (NAD-dependent).They are grouped into four classes according to their homology to yeast proteins. Classes I, II and IV are considered ‘classical’ HDACs, and are inhibited by trichostatin A (TSA).Due to the involvement of HDACs in various diseases and cancer development, there is now significant interest in selective HDAC inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents.
The failure of preclinical drug entities is a major problem for pharmaceutical companies, accounting for substantial proportions of their precious R&D budgets. As a consequence, there is a need to bring compound toxicity testing into a high throughput environment similar to primary efficacy screening. Metabolism of drugs is a key factor in compound toxicity, and the cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily of enzymes – mainly expressed in the hepatocyte cells of the liver – play a very important role in this process. There are now a number of screening assays designed to be automated in a microplate format for medium throughput profiling of compounds which may induce or inhibit CYP activity. In this application note, we describe a 384-well microplate format lead generation method using three different CYP enzymes, illustrating a typical assay run in an ADME laboratory.
For many years, small molecule drug discovery has relied on the evaluation of one compound against another compound.Measurement of the activity of a small molecule against a target must be standardized, and this is achieved by determining the IC50 or EC50 value (half maximal inhibitory/effective concentration respectively) using dose-response curves.To set up dose-response curves, compounds must be dissolved in a solvent to create solutions of varying concentrations, and DMSO has become the established solvent of choice. Today, chemists provide the biologists or compound management teams responsible for producing the dose-response curves with compound solutions prepared in DMSO.The workflow frequently begins with picking the key target compounds from a number of different microplates, generally referred to as hit-picking.These key compounds have often been selected based on single concentration data from a high throughput screening (HTS) campaign.
For many years, small molecule drug discovery has relied on the evaluation of one compound against another compound.Measurement of the activity of a small molecule against a target must be standardized, and this is achieved by determining the IC50 or EC50 value (half maximal inhibitory/effective concentration respectively) using dose-response curves.To set up dose-response curves, compounds must be dissolved in a solvent to create solutions of varying concentrations, and DMSO has become the established solvent of choice.Today, chemists provide the biologists or compound management teams responsible for producing the dose-response curves with compound solutions prepared in DMSO.The workflow frequently begins with picking the key target compounds from a number of different microplates, generally referred to as hit-picking.These key compounds have often been selected based on single concentration data from a high throughput screening (HTS) campaign.
The ability to carry out cell-based G-Protein coupled receptor (GPCR) assays in high throughput is a key part of the drug discovery process.Combining a Fluent laboratory automation solution configured for cell-based assays with the DiscoveRx PathHunter β-Arrestin human and ortholog GPCR assay kits gives users the power to run 384-well plate-based assays in high throughput.This increased processing speed and capacity over current solutions, combined with extremely efficient use of laboratory space, makes this a superior system for cell-based assays.
The NCI-60 panel represents a wide diversity of common cancer-types and it is one of the most important tools in modern drug discovery for the identification of new anti-cancer compounds.Although, the cell lines are commonly used in phenotypic assays for monitoring cell growth and survival, when combined with bioinformatics tools such as the NCI COMPARE database, NCI panel data can also provide a preliminary indication of the potential mechanisms of action for novel compounds.Typically, large sets of compounds are initially tested at a single concentration.Hits showing growth inhibition or cytotoxic properties are profiled in dose response format over multiple cell lines to establish compound potency and selectivity.
Epigenetics has played an important role in drug discovery for many years, but its importance has grown significantly recently due to the role epigenetic modifications can play in cancer and stem cell differentiation. Methylation is the principal epigenetic modification of DNA and of proteins known as histones, which package DNA into chromatin inside a cell.Epigenetic modifications define how genetic information is read and used by cells and, through cell divisions, these epigenetic changes may last for the duration of the cell's life. They may also last for multiple generations, even though they do not involve changes in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism.Epigenetic modifications can therefore be inherited, and are influenced by environmental factors, some of which can induce epigenetic signaling that may contribute to biological processes such as aging.The Cisbio EPIgeneous cell-based assays enable direct measurement of methylation, demethylation, and total proteins on both adherent and suspension cells.Tecan has re-invented automation with Fluent, a unique instrumentation concept built around the applicationspecific needs of your lab. Fluent breaks new ground, delivering more capacity and increased speed.
Epigenetics has played an important role in drug discovery for many years, but its importance has grown significantly recently due to the role epigenetic modifications can play in cancer and stem cell differentiation.Methylation is the principal epigenetic modification of DNA and of proteins known as histones, which package DNA into chromatin inside a cell.Epigenetic modifications define how genetic information is read and used by cells and, through cell divisions, these epigenetic changes may last for the duration of the cell's life. They may also last for multiple generations, even though they do not involve changes in the underlying DNA sequence of the organism.Epigenetic modifications can therefore be inherited, and are influenced by environmental factors, some of which can induce epigenetic signaling that may contribute to biological processes such as aging.The Cisbio EPIgeneous cell-based assays enable direct measurement of methylation, demethylation, and total proteins on both adherent and suspension cells.
Immunosuppressant drugs support solid organ transplantation by preventing rejection by the patient’s immune system. Immunosuppressant levely are tightly monitored to prevent transplant rejection or accumulation of toxic effects.
This application note highlights an example automated sample preparation protocol developed by Tecan for the MassTox® Immunosuppressants in Whole Blood – ONEMinute Test – LC-MS/MS assay kit (Chromsystems) on the Fluent® Mix and Pierce Workstation.
Fluent was designed and built to increase throughput and productivity, enabling laboratories to get more done in less time – and less space.
Designed for those who ‘press go’, daily activities such as running assays and routine maintenance become as straightforward as using the smartphone in your pocket. Users intuitively know what to do next.
Fluent Gx brings the proven performance enhancements of the Fluent Laboratory Automation Solution to highly regulated laboratories.Application workflows in clinical and other regulated areas can benefit from high throughput, ease of operation and outstanding precision & accuracy with maximum process security.
Tecan’s groundbreaking Fluent platform brings unsurpassed speed and flexibility to plate formatting and copying. Throughput and accuracy are everything, so we’ve engineered a compact automation solution with three arms that work in parallel across a Dynamic Deck™ offering unmatched plate capacity. Discover an instrument that speaks the language of your laboratory, making compound management more simple, efficient… and fluent.
Seamless integration of cell-based assay technologies streamlines your workfl ows and simplifi es your laboratory life.
Fluent’s groundbreaking design delivers more capacity and increased speed for genomic workflows. This innovative solution offers superior precision, higher throughput and longer walkaway times. Get more done in less time, with greater confidence.
The MultiChannel Arm™ 384 has been designed to offer higher productivity to automated liquid handling workflows in pharmaceutical and biotechnology research applications, increasing the efficiency and speed of pipetting processes, as well as delivering an outstanding level of flexibility.
For Freedom EVO® and Fluent®
Accurate nucleic acid quantification and quality control without sample loss
Module for Fluent® automation workstation specifications and typical performance values
Whole blood screening is performed regularly for patients taking drugs that are absorbed into blood cells, such as immunosuppressants prescribed after organ transplants. However, sample preparation is challenging for laboratories using LC-MS for drug quantification.
The Fluent® Mix and Pierce Workstation enables automated processing of immunosuppressant kits, providing consistency and accuracy. This brochure highlights an example automated sample preparation protocol developed by Tecan for the MassTox® Immunosuppressants in Whole Blood – ONEMinute Test – LC-MS/MS assay kit (Chromsystems).
The Fluent Gx Mix and Pierce Workstation enables users to develop workflows in forensic investigations. As crime scene samples are scarce and cannot be replaced, any loss of material needs to be avoided.
The Fluent Gx Mix and Pierce Workstation minimizes the risk of sample loss by adding extraction solvents directly to the sample collection tubes, and mixing in a controlled manner. This flyer highlights an example workflow for non-biological sample material.
The Multiple Channel Arm™ 96 (MCA 96) for the Fluent® liquid handler offers an incredible volume range ideal for high-throughput workflows.
Fluent specifications.
Enhanced capacitive liquid level detection for increased reliability and reproducibilitySpeed and throughput seem like logical reasons to acquire an automated liquid handling system but, for many users, the consistency of results is an even more valuable asset.An unobtrusive, barely noticed feature – liquid level detection – plays a critical role in ensuring the reliability and consistency of the pipetting processes, but not all liquid level sensing technologies are created equal.Tecan’s Adaptive Signal Technology is a new generation of capacitive liquid level sensing that does far more than just detect the liquid level in a microplate well; it can reliably distinguish between the true liquid level and bubbles, detect tip occlusions, prevent wells over-flowing, and offer new opportunities for in-process error handling.
Reducing the liquid dead volume is a highly desirable aspect of a liquid handling platform’s performance, particularly in the case of expensive reagents or precious scarce samples.Minimizing the dead volume not only presents substantial reagent and sample cost savings, it can also result in more assays per unit volume, further decreasing labor costs and allowing more data per cycle.Fluent Laboratory Automation Solutions with Adaptive Signal Technology™ (AST) advanced liquid level detection offer several synergistic benefits that reduce dead volume without compromising on the precision or accuracy of liquid transfers.